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Email Disclaimer

How did you get my email address?

Your email address has been provided to us by your energy supplier so that GTC, as a licenced Distribution Network Operator, can fulfil its obligations and contact customers during events and interruptions that may affect your electricity supply.

Email addresses are received by electricity suppliers but can also be received directly from customers.
Electricity suppliers pass customer information, including name, address, email, telephone numbers, meter details and priority services register details. Visit our Privacy Policy, for more information, but the data contained within is used only for information purposes to communicate key updates regarding events that may interrupt the distribution of electricity to you.

We are required by our distribution licence conditions to ‘take all reasonable steps’ to inform customers about the services we provide. We will use your email address for this purpose, where we have it unless you request us not to do so, which you may do at any time.

New information provided by your electricity supplier will overwrite what we hold as a record, this ensures your information is up-do-date and ensures we are complaint against the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR.

Do you have my bank details?

No, we do not hold your bank details and suppliers do not share your bank details with us.

Communications you may have received from GTC recently, and why you have received these emails.

Winter Readiness

GTC are currently sending emails to provide information and advice to our customers on how to prepare for any power outages this winter, as well as distribution of our Statement of Services.

The email was sent from

Rota Load Disconnections – Planned Power Cuts

GTC are currently sending emails to provide information regarding Rota Load Disconnections or planned power cuts and what this means to customers on our networks to keep you informed.

The email was sent from

GTC are also sending out advance warning SMS text messages too, in order to help our customers plan.

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